The Major Dental Problems You Should Know About

Parco health care
4 min readMay 27, 2022


Major Dental Problems

Healthy teeth are the sole reason behind a beautiful smile. But, keeping your teeth healthy is not always an easy job. You have to take good care of your teeth and maintain dental hygiene to prevent them from all dental diseases. Your beautiful teeth are the treasure of your life and hence, it’s important to keep them that way. Educating yourself about the various dental issues and how they affect the structure of your teeth and their health is the best way to create awareness. Most importantly, there are some preventive measures you could follow which might help in keeping your teeth healthy such as eating a healthy diet, brushing twice daily, flossing every day and getting regular dental checkups. With that being said, you could approach any dental clinic in Qatar, Kuwait, India, or any other country for an expert dental checkup.

Now, dental problems are classified to many from simple to complex. However, every dental issue needs to be taken care of no matter how serious they are. Here are some common dental issues which you should know about.

1. Gum Disease

Gum diseases are generally the infection occurring to your tooth gums. Commonly known as Gingivitis, it is caused by the creation of plaque below the gum line. The symptoms include bad breath, reddish and bleeding gums, sensitive teeth and difficulty chewing. With proper care like brushing and maintaining good oral hygiene, you could prevent gum disease from happening to you. Anyone who witnesses the symptoms of gum disease could start seeing a doctor. And, if it’s getting worse, consult your dentist immediately.

2. Bad Breath

Halitosis or commonly known as bad breath is a widely seen dental problem among all ages. Bad breath is one of the important symptoms of cavities, gum disease or oral cancer. However, bad breath can be caused by many reasons including poor oral hygiene, acid reflux, dry mouth, infection and more. Besides, some food items like garlic, onions, sweets or more can also become the cause of bad breath. Using a mouth wash might be of some help. But, if the odour is still present, consider seeing a dentist.

3. Decayed Tooth

Decayed teeth or cavities are damaged regions around the tooth surface leading to small holes. Being one of the common dental problems, a decayed tooth problem can be seen even in infants. The main cause of tooth decay is that when the starch or sugar from your food is combined with the plaque, it generates acids that might attack the enamel. To avoid cavities, you could take some precautions by making sure you get regular dental checkups and maintain healthy teeth.

4. Sensitive Tooth

This is the condition where your teeth become sensitive to hot or cold drinks. This occurs when the enamel is worn and dentin is exposed. Hence, this condition is also known as dentin hypersensitivity and may be caused due to some other factors like root infection, gum disease, cracked tooth and more. Besides, when you have a sensitive tooth, you might feel it very difficult to brush your teeth. However, fluoride treatment, root canal, crown and more can help treat the condition of sensitive teeth.

5. Root Infection

An infection to the base of your root is considered to be one of the serious dental problems. In this case, the root base gets swollen with bacteria resulting in damaged tooth nerves and tissues, eventually leading to abscess development. One of the symptoms of a root infection is the throbbing toothache. Also, chewing and biting would seem like a hard job. A root canal procedure is the best treatment for root infection where the infected pulp is removed followed by a cleaning process and filling of the canal with an inert material.

6. Broken Teeth and Crooked Teeth

Broken teeth are caused mostly by injuries, teeth grinding and chewing of hard foods leading to toothaches. When you have a broken tooth, you could approach a dentist who would help replace it with crowns, veneers, or by using a tooth-coloured filling. Whereas crooked teeth, as the name suggests, are a condition where teeth are misaligned resulting in improper bite and jaw pain. Straightening the crooked teeth could be achieved with the use of expert orthodontic braces, retainers and aligners giving you an attractive smile.

7. Teeth Grinding

Bruxism or commonly known as teeth grinding mainly occurs when you are asleep or even when you are awake. It results in headaches, sore jaw, earaches or may even lead to cracked teeth. Teeth grinding can be caused by many reasons like sleep issues, stress, improper bites or as a result of a difference in the height of the new crown compared to your natural teeth. Treating these causes can in turn help reduce your teeth grinding issues. Also, your dentist could provide you with a custom-made mouthguard to use at night which might help minimize the symptoms of grinding and protect your teeth.


In short, there are several dental problems both serious and harmless that can affect your overall dental and oral health. It might even affect your confidence and keep you away from your attractive smile. But most dental problems can be avoided if you take good care of your teeth and follow proper dental hygiene. You could start with flossing every day and brushing your teeth twice a day. Most importantly, consult with a dentist at the earliest if you tend to see any symptoms of dental issues



Parco health care

Parco Healthcare is a premier medical center based in Doha, Qatar located in Madinath Khalifa & Al Shahaniya.