Respiratory Diseases: Causes, Symptoms, & Preventive Measures

Parco health care
3 min readNov 30, 2022


clinics in Doha, medical centre in Doha

The respiratory system plays a vital role in the human body absorbing oxygen from the air. But respiratory diseases are serious issues that also lead to other health conditions after affecting the respiratory system. Many people struggle with chronic respiratory diseases all over the world. There are a considerable number of people visiting for treatment of diseases like pneumonia, cystic fibrosis, etc at clinics in Doha or Qatar or other treatment centres all over the world. Mostly, environmental factors, genetics and personal habits turn out to be the main causes of this health issue. However, you have to know about the various respiratory disorders and the symptoms of respiratory diseases to prevent diseases.

The different reasons a person has to suffer from respiratory diseases are air pollution, cigarette smoking and certain viruses. Most importantly, Covid-19 is a perfect example of a respiratory disease that occurs from a virus infection. Also, an individual feels difficulty breathing due to obstructive respiratory diseases like Asthma. Allergens, pollen and others are the causes that trigger Asthma. In such circumstances, airway narrowing takes place inside an individual’s lungs.

Now, when the lung capacity of an individual reduces, it is called a restrictive respiratory disease. Coughing, tightness in the chest, shortness of breath etc are some symptoms of this. If you don’t find treatment, it will lead to major consequences and the patient have to suffer health issues, problematic symptoms, and life-threatening conditions. In a smoking case, a chain smoker’s air passages become narrow and breathing will be more difficult. Furthermore, chronic inflammation or swelling in the lung and chronic bronchitis complicate a person’s health condition. If a person does not willingly quit smoking, this destroys lung tissue and may cause lung cancer. You might have heard the word Emphysema when doctors say about the complications of smoking. It is the condition of lungs losing their elasticity and sacs in the lungs being damaged causing difficulty in stretching when you are breathing. So, smoking is a major risk factor for emphysema.

Additionally, exposure to outdoor air pollution is a significant problem. It can be beneficial to understand how outdoor air pollution impacts your health and practical methods to reduce prolonged exposure.

Another thing you need to know is about the acute respiratory infection that affects a person’s upper respiratory system. Viruses like rhinovirus and a certain type of bacteria are the causes of this. Because the complications of acute respiratory infection are respiratory arrest and respiratory failure, preventing acute respiratory infection is very important. Practising good hygiene and including plenty of vitamins could help you with the same. You’ll have the symptoms like a runny nose, sore throat, cough etc after you got an acute respiratory infection. So, keep in mind to identify the symptoms at the earliest and consult with a doctor as soon as possible.


Here we got a clear idea that some respiratory diseases are minor and other makes serious health complications. It’s our responsibility to follow healthy habits for keeping our lungs in good shape. In every corner of the world, there are people suffering from chronic respiratory diseases and seeking medical treatment from the best medical centre in Doha, New York and other cities. However, just consulting a specialist one time is not enough. You have to quit smoking and other unhealthy habits, get regular checkups, minimize exposure to outdoor air pollution and prevent infections. All in all, follow a healthy lifestyle for your well-being.



Parco health care

Parco Healthcare is a premier medical center based in Doha, Qatar located in Madinath Khalifa & Al Shahaniya.