Importance of Dental Awareness

Parco health care
3 min readSep 7, 2022


Pediatric dentist specialist

By keeping up with good dental care, you can maintain a healthy mouth, teeth, and gums, which can enhance both your appearance and quality of life. Failing to take care of your teeth could lead to various oral diseases.

Dentists play a vital role in making people aware of the importance of dental care even though oral hygiene has remained an ignored and unrealized major social problem. We can see that oral diseases are a widespread occurrence. Due to poor cleanliness, the majority of people have cavities and other health problems. Educating children about dental health should begin very early. Children should be told the significance of having healthy, clean teeth. We should train children to clean their mouths every time after eating and it is good to keep away sugar treats. In adults, proper dental checkups should be done at regular intervals as it is important to check and verify that there are no problems.

Some of the tips to get good oral health are listed below:

-Brush and clean your teeth two times a day for two minutes every day
-Fluoride toothpaste and brush having soft bristles should be used
-Always do floss
-Use mouthwash to remove the remaining food particles in your mouth after brushing
-Avoid sweetened foods
-Reduce consumption of beverages
-Visit your dentist periodically
-Avoid smoking

According to a survey by Kent Express, Qatar is the most teeth-conscious country globally. The survey found that the people of Qatar have low sugar consumption, and most of the population doesn’t smoke. Hence, the illness caused by smoking gets reduced. A Pediatric dentist specialist has great chances in gulf countries as those people are already well aware of dental hygiene. From childhood onwards, regular dental checkup appointments at a Medical center in Qatar are routine for children. All other countries have to build up systems like Qatar to improve their people’s healthcare.

Dental health is related to general health in some way. Unlike other areas of the body, your mouth is loaded with germs. Since your mouth is the entryway to both your digestive and respiratory systems, some of these bacteria are able to spread disease. The body’s natural defences and good oral hygiene habits like twice daily brushing and flossing can typically keep bacteria in check. So, without a proper dental care routine, bacteria accumulate and cause gum issues and tooth decay, among other oral diseases. Poor dental health can contribute to illnesses like endocarditis, cardiovascular disease, problems during pregnancy and childbirth, pneumonia, and more. Also, the diseases like diabetes, HIV/AIDS, Osteoporosis, and Alzheimer’s disease could rise.

In a nutshell, proper care thus should be given to teeth to protect you from various diseases and hence to keep the body healthy. Children should be taught to practice good oral hygiene at an early age to keep them healthified. And, do not follow the tips mentioned above.



Parco health care

Parco Healthcare is a premier medical center based in Doha, Qatar located in Madinath Khalifa & Al Shahaniya.